Monday, June 29, 2009


1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

It's fun, I earned new friends, it's not that hard to socialize with them

they're friendly and funny, but I'm Kinda disappointed on the first day.. because i travel mostly 1 and a half hour but when i reached the school i've only stayed for 1 hour.. 

2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

well, as of now  I don't have any TERROR professors,

All of them were good, I think they really know what is they're purpose in the campus.

3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

my section is the best.. strenghts?, well we always laugh laugh laugh i dunno but i think we dont deal with things too seriously and that is the Strengt and Weakness of my section

4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

you can't deny lectures are boring but, professors are not so.. i enjoy my course as well as my program more and more..

easy?.. MATH! no.. just kidding i think Humanities is an easy course, challenging?, i think.. 


Math is the most difficult course .. for me

5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.


im 15 years old and my classmates were like .. 16-19 years old

i think i need to be more mature in order to understand them

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